The Secret Life of Mountain Lions
M72 dies in the first year after the family is attacked by a pack of wolves.
M80 is killed by a trophy hunter after he leaves his family to find a mate and new home.
F61 has more kittens.
F96 survives to reproduce as well.
Five threats to mountain lions
1. Habitat loss. 2. Predation by other carnivores. 3. Hunted by and harmed by humans (i.e hit by car) 4. The harsh climate in which they live. 5. Disease.
Conservation Organizations
Cougar Rewilding Foundation: To facilitate the recovery of the cougar in suitable wild habitat east of the Rocky Mountains.
Mountain Lion Foundation: The mountain lion is an apex species in which whole ecosystems depend thus conservation of the lions habitat is of the upmost importance.
Trophic Cascade
If keystone species like mountain lions go extinct then the deer, elk and other herbivores that they eat will grow out of check. The overpopulation of these herbivores will lead to destruction of much more vegetation then the ecosystem can handle and other animals that rely on that vegetation for food or shelter will also begin to diminish; overall causing a cascade of species loss.
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